Two player can team up to be able to play a Two-Headed Ogre. Both players would build characters the same way as you would build a regular character. Both players will have 2 Move, Regular, and Anytime Actions each round. Both players will gain access to each other's Inventory and your Maximum Stamina is Doubled.
Both Players are granted access to All Abilities from your Class, and have Access to All of your allies Class Abilities.
Both Players can never take more than 10 Damage from an Attack or Ability, and can Basic Attack for 10 Damage.
Dragon Guards cannot go Unconscious in battle and are immune to Critical Hits, have Unlimited Move Actions, and All Abilities are now Dual Actions. You may both veto an Attribute during Character Creation.
Once per combat, you may grant yourself 2 Chaos Actions anytime you like. If an ally is made Unconscious or killed, this ability can be used again.
Anytime a Foe is defeated, you may shift up to 3 spaces and then use an Immediate Bonus Action.
You may use a Regular or Anytime Action to transform into your Purestone form. In this deep hibernation state, almost all damage is negated and you become near impossible to move. You must use a Regular or Anytime action to change back.
Anytime your Allies roll a Critical Success, you may cast a Spell ability as an Immediate Bonus Action.
Anytime you roll a Critical Success, you may cast 3 Spell abilities as an Immediate Bonus Actions.
If an Attack would knock you Unconscious, you may negate that attack, gain Shield equal to your maximum Stamina, and then cast each of your Spell Abilities as Immediate Bonus Actions. This effect can occur once per combat.
You always deal at least 5 Damage with Basic Attacks.
After casting a Spell, you and your Allies deal double damage with Basic Attacks until the end of combat.
You start with 2 random Treasure weapons and then may keep or give them to Allies of your choice.
Anytime any other Ally rolls a Critical Failure, you gain a Chaos Action.
You may veto 1 Attribute at character creation and Attributes may now be purchased for free.
The starting gold from your Class is doubled.
You may buy a copy of any Treasure an Ally has.
Black Boar Porcs use Large Tiles for their characters and are immune to most knockbacks and attacks that would move your character.
Your Character has 2 Move Actions. Your Move Action can now be used during the Game Masters turn, but not to dodge incoming attacks.
Whenever a Gravehoof Porcs casts a Spell, summon a Skeleton Minion linked to you.
You may start with the Ageless Attribute.
Greenskins always travel in pairs which means you create two characters that share the same Inventory and Stamina. Pick Two Classes and use an Ability slot for your second class. You have 2 Move, Regular, and Anytime Actions that can be used by either Goblin. Greenskins do not have an Unconscious state and instead are killed when damaged below zero Stamina.
You may start with the Halfwit Attribute.
Doubles the Stamina gained from your Bonus Stamina roll and allows you to pick 1 additional Ability from classes of your Allies that they did not select.
After picking your Class, an Elder may select their Abilities from all available classes and are given 2 additional random Class Abilities.
You may start with a third class ability and teach this ability to another Ally to allow them to use it as well.
Your character has 2 Anytime Actions. You may use any Treasure Ability your Allies have as if it was your own.
You start with 2 additional Treasure Cards and have one extra veto at Character Creation.
Highborn cannot go Unconscious in battle and are immune to Critical Hits. Highborn cannot wear armor, and instead wear special ornate armor that has been crafted specifically for them.
Low Bears have the companion skill Ride and can allow up to 3 Allies at a time to ride on their back. Low Bears gain triple Stamina from their Class, gain a Chaos action each round, and can wield weapons to Basic Attack with using their mouth (this weapons basic attack damage is increased to 10).